Taylor Hagen Leadership Camps
Life-changing Leadership Camps for Teens
We believe that every teen has the power to change the world for good. Empowering them with the right tools to fulfill that potential is at the heart of what we do.
Through our programs, teens will develop individual leadership by mastering essential skills such as visualization, work ethic, preparation, persistence, mental health awareness, self-care, resilience, anti-bullying strategies, coping techniques, team-building, and compassion.
Inspired by the legacy of Taylor Hagen, teens will learn to be the kind of friend who lifts up those around them while also strengthening their own mental health.

We're Building Leaders for a Brighter World
Students will hear from motivational speakers, engage in workshops in small group sessions and participate in team building activities, & create new friendships.
Camp attendees gain confidence and are equipped with the skills and motivation to become positive role models and civic leaders.
Age Requirement: 13-18 years old
Training Includes:
- Leadership
- Mindfulness
- Anti-bullying
- Suicide Awareness
- Mental Health Training
- Resilience
- Team Building Activities
For questions email us: [email protected]
Taylor Hagen Leadership Camps are generously sponsored by the Taylor Hagen Memorial Foundation.